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Green Living Walls

Living walls and Vertical gardens are some of the most challenging and rewarding irrigation systems to get right! Watermatic Ltd are the UK leaders in this sector with many successful installations to date.

About living walls

Living walls are lightweight so it is possible to set up a living wall garden on any wall, whatever the size. Living walls can be installed outdoors or indoors, in any climatic environment. The plant species selection is determined by prevailing climatic conditions.

Watering and fertilisation can be automated. The living wall acts as a sound absorbing and thermal insulating system which also improves air quality.

We are big supporters of the living wall industry as living walls provide multiple benefits. Many of the world’s existing installations appear to be primarily motivated by art, and the visual impact they provide. This is important but we believe there are sound ecological reasons to install living walls.

Benefits of Green Living Walls

Thermal loading

Reduction of thermal loading to buildings

lower heating and cooling costs = lower carbon emissions

Storm water attenuation

Panels can absorb over 30kgs per m2 of rainwater

Air purification

Plants are efficient filters of pollution - even when used indoors

Noise attenuation

 Quieter buildings and streets

Reduction of urban heat island effect

Increased urban diversity - greener cities


We can detect faults remotely through our maintenance programme, or alternatively provide customers with the facility to control their systems remotely through GPRS.

Whichever living walls system you choose, the system will require equal water distribution throughout the height & length of the wall, controlled by the latest computerised systems.

Whether the living wall is hydroponic or soil based, the growing environment needs to be perfectly controlled. A liquid fertilizer system together with the automatic irrigation system will make sure that the plants are kept in optimum condition for all to enjoy.

Get to know us...

We've prepared a short video to give you and introduction to Watermatic. Meet us and get the view of some of the clients we've worked with on a range of projects.

Installation of a Green Living Wall